Повышение надежности грозозащитных тросов 110 кВ и выше. Improving reliability of 110 kV (and larger) overhead ground wires

Авторы: Д.Р. Зотов, ООО «ЭМ-КАБЕЛЬ»
Authors: D.R. Zotov, “EM-CABEL ”, Ltd.

Ключевые слова: перенапряжения; грозозащита; грозозащитные тросы; антикоррозионное покрытие.
Keywords: overvoltage; lightning protection; ground wires; anti-corrosion coating.

Аннотация: Рассмотрены вопросы защиты от атмосферных перенапряжений при помощи нового поколения грозозащитных тросов с антикоррозионным слоем, нанесенным методом плакирования. Исследованы результаты воздействий на провода с таким слоем соляных брызг (тумана) и высоких температур.
Abstract: The issues of protection from atmospheric overvoltages by using a new generation of ground wires with anticorrosion coating applied by cladding are discussed.The effects of exposure of such protected wires to salt spray (fog) and high temperatures are studied. To date, approximately 95% of transmission lines of 110 kV and above are protected against atmospheric surges ropes TK (galvanized steel) and C (steel coated with zinc), used as a ground wire. Quite often they go wrong. According to the findings made on the basis of statistical data collection, it is clear that the main cause of damage to ground wire (about 40%) are their wear and aging. Damage due to atmospheric overvoltage, account for 21%, with tamper – 10.6%.Thus, we can say that the ropes brands TC and C, though produced so far, but physically and morally outdated for their use as ground wire. It is the reason why manufacturers of wires and cables for overhead power lines are engaged in intense development of more reliable designs wires, including corrosion-resistant.

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